








Theory and Practice Research On Establishing Network Resource Pool in Politics Teaching in Secondary Schools


The information technology is widely used in teaching the new curriculum and it also brings about opportunities and challenges to the traditional teaching in secondary schools. Such a change has raised high requirements for the traditional mode of teaching, teaching plan, teaching methods or means as well as teaching evaluations, etc. This requires the politics teachers not only to closely rely on new curriculum, but also to improve their own professional quality and moral self-cultivation through continuous learning. Besides, the establishment of the resource pool for new curriculum based on the consistent with the teaching theory and requirements in the new curriculum.

This paper is divided into five parts. The first part elaborates the importance of establishing the network resource pool for the politics teaching in secondary schools on the internet from the requirements for the development of the information age, the requirements for basic curriculum reform and the effort to improve teaching effectiveness. Then the second part gives a careful analysis on the present condition of teaching resources website intended for the politics teaching in secondary schools. An in-depth analysis of the achievements and shortcomings of this website is involved, which is from the main part of the building of it, the technology involved in the operating of this website, organizing resources and the service objects. The third part begins with the explanation of the basic concept for Curriculum Reform in Basic Education and then further elaborates the essential characters, such as artification, modularization, individuation and openness of establishing the network resource pool under the Information Technology Background. The fourth part gives a in-depth explanation on the basic structure of establishing a network resource pool in politics teaching in secondary school from multimedia resource database, resource pool for electronic teaching plan, resource pool for electronic courseware, and resource pool for electronic test questions. The last part is mainly about an in-depth study on exploratory education models which is founded on web-based information resources in the context of the new curriculum.

Key words: politics taught in secondary schools, network resource pool, teaching website, basic concept, teaching models

Written by:Liu Hai

Supervised by:Professor Ma Hua fang


【站长简介】刘海,教育硕士,江苏省“333高层次人才工程”培养对象、江苏省“刘海网络名师工作室”领衔教师、延安市优秀教师,无锡市教学能手、无锡市首届“勤远教师奖”获得者、校德育处副主任、校政治教研组组长、校学术委员会秘书长。曾参与或主持过《高中思想政治研究性课堂教学模式的创设与运用》等多项省市级课题研究工作,撰写的《浅谈乡土材料在经济常识教学中的运用》等90多篇文章发表于省级教育期刊或全国中文核心期刊。120多篇论文、教案、试题、高考分析等文章发表于《中学生时事政治报》等教辅类专业报刊。制作以个人原创资源为主的思想者工作室网站( http://www.teacher001.net)……[详细内容]

【网站简介】思想者园地网站( http://www.sxzyd.net)建立于2003年9月1日,致力于为中学文科与信息技术课程整合提供资源支撑平台。目前拥有各类教学资源200000多个,注册用户达到10万余人,资源点击超过5000万人次,目前已经发展成为涵盖中学政治、中学历史、中学地理、教育德育等在内的国内较大的中学文综教学资源网站。……[ 详细内容]
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